Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Domingo & Katherine Jenkins lanyard? get out!

Well well well... seems like the classical artists are gracing stadiums even more frequently these days and people are up for not only the music anymore ... it's the experience and the add-ons. In hard economic times, value seems to come into the equation. Artists are trying by all means to find their angle to make the concert experience worthy of remembering - it's all the add-ons, the meet-and-greets, the merchandise. It's breaking down the barriers between audience and artist, none of this "i'm going to do a concert for you and disappear after the show" routine. Let's get down and dirty with the audience, they are the ones buying your records right? And they want to know YOU, the artist! It excites me that the two venues they are performing in Australia are Acer Arena and Rod Laver Arena. Another two hop on the Andre Rieu bandwagon.

Of course Domingo is no stranger to stadiums having been part of The Three Tenors. To team up with a gorgeous classical crossover songstress like Katherine Jenkins is a win-win situation. Jenkins as a classical artist has conquered the commercial scene, having landed herself a place as Montblanc's brand ambassador. This in itself has opened her up to many a more appreciators of music of whom may not have known who she was prior.

Katherine Jenkins in a Montblanc ad.

So, 'A Night To Remember' hits Sydney and Melbourne this year Sept/Oct. But how many can afford this experience? And what is the demographic heading to this show? The cheapest of tickets is $150.00. What got me gob-smacked was the Diamond Ticket Package. Yes, no A-Reserved or B-Reserved, we're going with the 'glitzy' category listings! Going for a whopping $1000.00, this is what the package will get you:

- Begin your evening at an exclusive hour-long pre-show function where you will enjoy a selection of deluxe canapés with unlimited premium wines on offer.
- You'll have "A Night to Remember" seeing Placido Domingo and Katherine Jenkins from your promoter-allocated Diamond seat.
- Make the experience last when you attend an exclusive one hour post show party where Plácido Domingo and Katherine Jenkins will make a very special appearance.
- Receive the ultimate fan's official merchandise gift bag.
- Take home an exclusive Placido Domingo and Katherine Jenkins souvenir lanyard.

Lanyard? oh come on! Yes, you get to 'mingle' with Domingo and Jenkins at the after-party. It's that celebrity status that people want isn't it? And the price tag sure gives it that already. Having said that, at least the experience is available and i'm sure there are many out there who can splash out on a night with their 'idol'.

A positive shift in the classical music world i say! Bring on the stadiums, canapes, bubblies and meet-and-greets.
over and out!
Van-Anh xx



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