Wednesday, July 23, 2008

so i've succumbed...

It seems like the trend, has been for quite some time, but I gave blogging a rest. I do my random rants on facebook every now and then, and even myspace has been quiet but now blogspot. What can I say? The only reason I even bothered looking twice at it is because pianofortephilia is on here. hehe.
AND the 9th SIPCA has been on for the last week. I really would have liked to blog about it all but ushering got the better of me.

One thing I have to say is that the experience of ushering this year has been ridiculously homourous. The very fact that we were warned of the audience demographic being of the likes of 'purists' would be an understatement.

The tiniest creak of a chair, to the rustling of a soother lozenge would result in heads turning to eyebrows frowning. What can an usher do if an old man coughs so much that the only way to stop it is to shove a lozenge down his throat, but in doing so, the man opens his zipper bag noisily, unwraps the throat soother noisily then wait, he decides to noisily close his zipper bag. You think that is bad enough, don't even start on mobile phones!
MOBILE PHONES = heart attack. So I can accomodate for old people who don't know how to use the technology but you don't understand how much it bothers people. As a pianist, ok, sure, you can be annoyed but as an audience member...please! I had a man come up to me and say 'I heard that mobile you know?'. Well, guess what, I did too mister! He then asks 'you don't happen to know who it is would you?' and I politely answer 'I'm sorry I didn't catch them in time', to a shocking response by the man of: 'That person really should be imprisoned...I would like to knock their teeth out'.

Well well well, who ever knew that classical music lovers had such agro-violence in them! KNOCK THEIR TEETH OUT?

Anyways, that is the experience of the competition from an usher's point of view.


Lady Blogger said...

This is the first time in 8 years I haven't been to any of the SIPCA sessions at the Seymour Centre. (8 years... and I'm not even very old... sigh)

I was at one of the stage IV recitals in 2004, and I happened to show my admiration for the eventual competition winner in a rather vocal way. (DURING THE APPLAUSE, even.) Deservedly so! Yet the looks I received could have melted diamonds. It's a wonder they didn't try to sic the ushers on me.

I don't envy you that job, although I envy you the opportunity to watch the competition first-hand!


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